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Image by Andy Li

Buy Flurospar

Fluorspar is a mineral found in numerous countries with China being by far the largest producer. Fluorspar is known for its vibrant fluorescence, particularly when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. Fluorspar has a wide range of other properties that make it an important mineral for numerous scientific, industrial and aesthetic applications. If you wish to buy Fluorspar, the team at Lucky Sound can help.

More About Fluorspar

Fluorspar is an important industrial mineral known for its vibrant crystals. Those crystals can each have numerous different colour zones spread out along the contour of the crystal face. Fluorspar is typically found in cubes and may be massive, granular or compact in nature. Fluorspar occurs naturally in hydrothermal deposits and as a secondary mineral in various silica-rich rocks. Fluorspar has a variety of industrial applications that we will look at now.

Buy Fluorspar

If you are looking to buy fluorspar from a Chinese source, contact Lucky Sound today.

Uses of Flurospar

  • Fluorspar is used in the smelting of aluminium and steel, wherein it is employed as a flux. It has the ability to lower the melting point of some minerals which has made it a valuable commodity in the processing of various metals.

  • Specialised glasses, lenses and optical components for both personal and industrial use rely on fluorspar. Its low refractivity index and high transparency in the UV and IR ranges are what make it particularly attractive to these industries.

  • During the 19th century it was discovered that fluorspar would fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. This discovery played a vital role in the eventual development of fluorescent lighting. 

  • During the 20th century it was discovered that fluoride could have an important role to play in dental health. As a result, many parts of the world began adding fluoride to public water supplies. A process that continues to this day.

  • As we've mentioned fluorspar has long been prized for its ability to fluoresce when exposed to UV light. As a result, it is a favourite mineral for those engaged in the production of jewellery and other types of aesthetic ornamentation.

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