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Image by Andy Li

Buy Boron Carbide 

Boron carbide, or B4C, is among the hardest man-made materials and ranks only after diamonds and cubic boron nitride in terms of the hardest chemical compounds. B4C crystals are dark black which is why it is often referred to as “black diamond”. You won’t find boron carbide in nature. It can only be produced in a furnace by heating boron and carbon to more than 2,000° C. 

Key Properties of B4C

Boron carbide is characterised by its…

  • Extreme hardness: Boron carbide is not nicknamed “black diamond” for nothing. It is amongst the hardest known substances with a Mohs rating of more than 9.

  • Chemical inertness: It is extremely rare for boron carbide to interact with other chemicals. This stability opens the door to myriad applications.

  • Low density: In its solid form B4C has a density of 2.52g/cm3. This low density makes it a good choice for armour making.

  • Nuclear ability: Due to its high cross-section boron carbide is able to serve as a neutron absorber or neutron deflector inside nuclear reactors.

Contact Lucky Sound

Lucky Sound have extensive connections with B4C manufacturers and can facilitate the acquisition process for you, saving time and ensuring an accurate and timely delivery. To learn more call the team at Lucky Sound today.

Applications of Boron Carbide

  • The armour industry has been growing by leaps and bounds and much of that growth can be attributed to the availability of boron carbide. B4C is one of the most effective materials for resisting dangerous objects like bullets and shrapnel not just because it is so tough, but because of its lightweight nature.

  • The most compelling issue facing nuclear power plants is controlling events inside the reactor. Boron carbide is a staple of the nuclear industry for its neutron-absorbing properties, low price and widespread availability. It also produces no radionuclides thereby reducing residual radioactivity levels.  

  • Boron Carbide powder excels in abrasive applications due to its extreme hardness and chemical stability, making it ideal for grinding, lapping, and polishing. It is widely used for the precise finishing of optical lenses, semiconductor wafers, ceramic parts, and metal components. The powder is available in a variety of grit sizes, each designed to provide optimal performance for specific material finishes. Its high wear resistance ensures efficient material removal, achieving precise surface flatness and smoothness essential for high-quality components.

  • Because of its virtually unparalleled toughness, B4C is extensively used as an abrasive to polish and shape a variety of hard materials. It is commonly found in industrial-grade cutting and grinding machines where it is used to cut alloys of titanium, aluminium and stainless steel. B4C is also highly resistant to corrosion and heat so it can be found in things like pipes and nozzles.

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